Vulva Anatomy: Information and Care

Let's talk about something that's a bit of a hush-hush topic, yet it's as natural as breathing: the vulva. Here at Medicine Mama, we believe it's high time we shed the whispers and bring some well-deserved spotlight to this essential part of our bodies. 

Why? Because understanding the vulva is like unlocking a secret garden of knowledge about our health, pleasure, and overall well-being. It's not just a part of us — it's a part of our story, our experience as women.

So, let's dive into the what and the why of the vulva, turning awkward silences into empowering conversations. 

Why Is Vulva Anatomy Often Misunderstood?

It's curious how something so integral to our bodies and health can often be shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding. The vulva — a key player in our overall well-being — doesn't always get the spotlight it deserves.

Here's why:

  • Education Gaps: From a young age, many of us don't receive comprehensive education on our bodies. School curriculums may skip over or simplify the complexities of female genital anatomy, leaving gaps in our understanding.
  • Cultural Taboos: In many cultures, discussions around female genitalia are taboo. This silence breeds ignorance, making it challenging to understand or talk about vulva anatomy openly.
  • Medical Misinformation: Even in medical literature and consultations, there's often a lack of focus on the vulva, with terms like "vagina" being inaccurately used to describe the entire genital region. This confusion spills over into everyday conversations, further complicating our understanding.
  • Shame and Stigma: Sadly, there's still a stigma attached to discussing female bodies openly, particularly when it comes to parts like the vulva. This shame prevents honest discussions and can lead to misconceptions about what is normal and healthy.

Recognizing these hurdles is the first step toward changing the narrative around vulva anatomy. It's about creating a world where understanding and caring for our bodies is not just normalized but celebrated.

So, What Exactly Is the Vulva Anyway?

The vulva encompasses the external parts of the female genitalia. It's a complex, nuanced area comprising several components, each with its unique role and beauty. 

Here’s a closer look:

Mons Pubis

The soft mound at the front of the vulva, where pubic hair grows. It's made up of fatty tissue and serves as a cushion, protecting the pubic bones during activities like sexual intercourse.

Labia Majora

Often referred to as the outer lips, these are the fleshy, hair-covered folds of skin that encase the more delicate structures within. They're the first line of defense against external irritants and infections.

Labia Minora

The inner lips tend to be thinner and more pigmented. They vary greatly in size and shape from one person to another and play a crucial role in protecting the vaginal opening and urethra.


A powerhouse of nerve endings, the clitoris is the epicenter of female sexual pleasure. It includes the visible tip (the glans), the clitoral hood that protects it, and extends deeper into the body, surrounding the vaginal canal.

Urethral Opening

Located between the clitoris and the vaginal opening, this is where urine exits the body. It's part of the urinary tract and is separate from the reproductive system.

Vaginal Opening (Introitus)

This is the entrance to the vagina, which leads to the cervix and the uterus. The hymen, a thin membrane that can partially cover the opening, is located here.


The stretch of skin between the vaginal opening and the anus. It supports the pelvic floor muscles and is an area that can be sensitive to touch.

Bartholin’s and Skene’s Glands

These glands are not visible but play a crucial role in lubrication during sexual arousal. Bartholin’s glands are located near the vaginal opening, while Skene’s glands are close to the urethra.

The "Vulva" and "Vagina" Are Two Different Things

There’s a difference between the "vulva" and "vagina" — and it’s time we get the terminology right. The vulva is the entire external package, while the vagina is the internal passage. 

Mixing them up is like confusing your front door with the hallway inside your house — both important, but definitely not the same thing. Getting this straight is step one to becoming your body’s best advocate.

Why Is It Important To Understand Your Vulva Anatomy?

Grasping the ins and outs of vulva anatomy is essential for several key reasons. 

Here's why paying attention to this part of your body is a smart move:

Spotting the Unusual

Ever noticed how you can tell when something's off with your skin or when a new mole pops up? The same goes for the vulva. 

Understanding its parts — like knowing the feel of your labia majora from your labia minora — means you're more likely to catch any changes. It could be something minor, or it could need a check-up. Either way, you’re on it.

Enjoying the Good Stuff

Sex, arousal, pleasure — it’s all part of the human experience. Knowing the layout, especially where the clitoris and its erectile tissue are doing their thing, makes for a much richer experience. Plus, you can communicate what works for you, which is gold in any relationship.

Choosing Products Wisely

The skincare aisle is a jungle. But when you know what the vulva really needs (hint: it’s usually less, not more), you dodge the irritants and the fancy stuff that does zilch. Think gentle, fragrance-free, and pH-friendly. Your vulva will thank you.

Health Chat Like a Pro

Next time you’re at the doctor’s, talking about your vulva won’t feel like a quiz you didn’t study for. You’ll know your vestibule from your urethral opening, making it easier to describe any issues or just get informed advice.

Empowerment Feels Good

There’s something deeply powerful about knowing your body inside and out. It’s like having an inner compass that guides you through health decisions, conversations, and life’s intimate moments. Plus, smashing those outdated taboos? Priceless.

How To Keep Your Vulva in Tip-Top Shape

Keeping your vulva happy and healthy is a blend of simple daily habits and being in tune with your body's needs. 

Here's the lowdown on how to care for this important part of your anatomy:

Hydration Is Your Friend

Yep, drinking water is as good for your vulva as it is for your skin. It supports natural secretions, making you feel comfortable and reducing dry spells, especially during the menstrual cycle or menopause.

Breathable Fabrics Are Key

Cotton undies aren’t just a recommendation — they’re a lifestyle choice for your vulva. They let your skin breathe, keeping you fresh and reducing the risk of annoying irritations or infections. Not to mention, they feel great on the skin, from the mons pubis down to the more sensitive vestibule.

Simplicity in Cleaning

Warm water and a small amount of gentle cleanser is the best option. Your vulva’s not a high-maintenance friend. It appreciates simplicity, keeping the natural balance without going overboard with products.

Moisturize Wisely

Speaking of simplicity, VMAGIC® Vulva Balm is like a drink of water for your vulva — especially when estrogen levels dip, and things feel a bit parched. It’s gentle, made with love, and keeps the skin around your external female genitalia soft and comfortable.

Protection Matters

Safe sex is great sex. Using protection not only guards against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) but also keeps your peace of mind intact. Regular chats with your healthcare provider keep you informed and in control of your sexual health.

Mindful Menstrual Care

Whether you’re Team Tampon or have a go-to menstrual cup, choose products that are gentle on your body. Your vulva and vagina will thank you for avoiding harsh chemicals and fragrances.

On-the-Go Freshness

Life’s busy, we get it. For those times when you need a quick refresh, VMAGIC® Lips Stick is like having a secret weapon in your purse. It’s discreet, easy to use, and keeps you feeling good, whether you’re at the gym or on a date.

Know Your Body

There’s nothing more empowering than understanding the intricacies of your anatomy, from the anterior region near the clitoris to the deeper mysteries of the g-spot. It’s not just about health — it’s about enjoying your body to its fullest.

The Wrap Up

Diving into the world of vulva care, we've covered a lot. From the basics of anatomy to daily tips that keep things feeling good, it's all about getting you in touch with a part of your body that doesn't always get the spotlight it deserves. 

At Medicine Mama, our mission is simple: to nurture your understanding and provide the care your body needs. Let's make this journey together, turning knowledge into power and self-care into a daily ritual. With the right support, every woman can feel confident and comfortable in her own skin, celebrating her body with the love it deserves. 

Join us, and let’s keep the conversation going, making vulva care a natural part of our wellness routine!


Women's health: Body part names taboo a risk to health | BBC

Female Sexual Anatomy | Vulva, Vagina and Breasts | Planned Parenthood

Skene’s Gland: Function, Location, Secretion & Conditions | Cleveland Clinic

Safer Sex ("Safe Sex") | Reduce Your Risk of Getting STDs | Planned Parenthood

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